My prospective and thoughts about country
Even though i thought apparently its or isn't having like this but meanwhile it's exists in our world- My original Thoughts about 'Hindu and muslims' religion Why prevailing negativity around everywhere and thoughts and minds of rest of people to having post like inappropriate things (i am Hindu, you not or i am muslim you not) people get involved suppose to be limiting beliefs and driving their business that was been a era that went away we all are equal, (My country needs to be like This) we all are same some sort of people mostly hindu went through had a hard time i know instead apart from india their is also another country like syria and afganistan and pakistan these country also been lived momdons and lived some great human beings momdens, Yes it's having a hard time that in this era we are been through but keep calm and spread and scattered peace across everywhere try to neglect that is not enough to be essential in order to get post being related to any ...