The united states of 🇺🇸 America's latest news and upadte with your cup of cofee

Hello my americans friends out there all democrats and Republicans espousars some are conservatives who are still so happy coz its kinda of end of war now coz Mr. Donald trump so called bully and felon there who had been and some say that still being a person who actually devastating and going to be catastrophic towards our country and the outcome that had come out some Americans into tribulations and torment say that Mr. Donald trump doesn't belong to the community of president and he will be ended the great country that employment rate was gonna about to change but yes the midnight sprint of trump did win has destroyed it so far leaders who didn't actually belongs to the community and supposed to not win like this even Americans ordinary folks being far from enough to fullfil there besic needs battling with hordes and skirmishes it's kinda of nightmarish for sort of some Americans no...